

Note: This machine has been replaced by the TRL 1630RX Lathe featuring the ProtoTRAK RLX CNC.
TRL 1630SX Toolroom Lathe with the ProtoTRAK SLX CNC

TRL 1630SX Features

  • 16″ swing, 30″ between centers
  • Spindle through hole of 2.12″
  • 150-2500 rpm
  • Ideal for small parts, but a generous swing for versatility
  • At home in a toolroom

Standard on all SX Series Lathes

  • ProtoTRAK SLX CNC integrated into the machine at the factory
  • Manual or CNC operation
  • Electronic handwheels and jogstick
  • Brushless servo motors
  • Inverter-duty spindle drive
  • Programmable spindle speeds
  • Optional Constant Surface Speed (CSS) Programming
  • Optional Inch Per Revolution (IPR) Programming
  • Optional TRAKing® for manual control of CNC programs
  • Optional turret and indexer for automatic tool changes
Note: This machine has been replaced by the TRL 1630RX Lathe featuring the ProtoTRAK RLX CNC.


  1440EX 1630SX 1630HSSX 1845SX 2470SX


Altura de Centros 7″ 8″ 8″ 9″ 12″
Distancia Entre los Centros 40″ 30″ 30″ 45″ 70″
Diámetro Admitido Sobre las Guías de la Bancada 14″ 16″ 16″ 18.1″ 24″
Diám. Admitido Sobre las Alas del Carro Transversal 14″ 16″ 16″ 17″ 24″
Diámetro Admitido Sobre el Carro Transversal 7″ 8.6″ 8.6″ 9.13″ 14.5″
Desplazamiento del Carro Transversal 8″ 8.5″ 8.5″ 10.6″ 12.5″
Altura Máxima Permitida de la Herramienta 3/4″ 3/4″ 3/4″ 1″ 1″
Capacidad Máxima del Tanque de Refrigerante 3 gal. 9.3 gal. 9.3 gal. 12 gal. 15 gal.
Lubricación de la Transmición (Caja de Engranes) Splash Lube Oil Bath Grease Oil Bath Oil Bath
Velocidad de Movimiento Rápido (Rapid) 100 ipm on Z Axis
100 ipm on X Axis
150 ipm on Z Axis
100 ipm on X Axis
250 ipm on Z Axis
100 ipm on X Axis
250 ipm on Z Axis
100 ipm on X Axis
250 ipm on Z Axis
100 ipm on X Axis

La Bancada

Ancho de la Bancada 8.1″ 12.6″ 12.6″ 13.4″ 14.57″
Altura de la Bancada 10.6″ 12.6″ 12.6″ 12.4″ 15″


Nariz del Husillo (Sujecion del Mandril (Chuck)) D1-4 D1-6 A2-4 D1-6 D1-8
Diámetro de Paso de Barra A Través del Husillo 1.56″ 2.12″ 1.57″ 2.36″ 4.09″
Conicidad del Portaherramientas MT#5 MT#6 MT#5 MT#6 MT#8
Conicidad en el Adaptador de Reducción 3 n/a n/a MT#4 MT#5
Diámetro del Husillo en el Balero Delantero 2.36″ 3.15″ 2.56″ 3.35″ 5.51″
Número de Baleros 2 2 5 2 2
Número de Velocidades o Rangos 12 1 1 2 2
Rango de Velocidades del Husillo (RPM) 60-2400 150-2500 150-4000 80-850, 250-2500 40-670, 100-1800

Contracabezal (Contrapunto)

Standard Optional Optional Standard Standard
Desplazamiento del Vastago del Contracabezal 5″ 6.3″ 6.3″ 6″ 8.5″
Diámetro de la Caña o Boquilla del Husillo 1.575″ 2.36″ 2.36″ 2.56″ 3.5″
Conicidad del Vastado del Contracabezal MT#3 MT#4 MT#4 MT#4 MT#5

Motor del Husillo

Potencia del Motor 5 HP 7.5 HP 7.5 HP 10 HP 15 HP

Requerimientos Eléctricos

Requerimientos Eléctricos - Control 110V / 1P / 8A 110V / 1P / 12A 110V / 1P / 12A 110V / 1P / 12A 110V / 1P / 12A
Requerimientos Eléctricos - Máquina 220V / 3P / 60Hz 220V / 3P / 60Hz 220V / 3P / 60Hz 220V / 3P / 60Hz 220V / 3P / 60Hz
Corriente de Carga Completa (Amperes) 15 25 25 33 42


Dimensiones Netas (Largo x Ancho x Alto), Peso 73″ x 44″ x 57″
1800 lbs.
82″ x 46″ x 72″
2875 lbs.
82″ x 46″ x 72″
2875 lbs.
94″ x 52″ x 73″
3285 lbs.
129″ x 60″ x 77″
6500 lbs.
Dimensiones de Envío (Largo x Ancho x Alto), Peso 78″ x 49″ x 67″
2200 lbs.
85″ x 46″ x 67″
3420 lbs.
85″ x 46″ x 67″
3420 lbs.
91″ x 52″ x 84″
3800 lbs.
134″ x 64″ x 77″
6900 lbs.


Motor de la Bomba del Refrigerante (HP)* 1/8 HP 1/8 HP 1/8 HP 1/8 HP 1/8 HP
Tipo de Freno del Motor del Husillo Magnetic Dynamic Braking Dynamic Braking Dynamic Braking Dynamic Braking
Dureza de la Superficie de las Guías de Desplazamiento 400-450 HB 400-450 HB 480-560 HB 480-560 HB 400-560 HB
Lubricación de la Transmición (Caja de Engranes) Splash Lube Oil Bath Grease Oil Bath Oil Bath


Tooling Kit 3/4″ 3/4″ 3/4″ 3/4″ or 1″ 1″
Sujecion del Mandril 6″ D1-4 8″, D1-6 6″, A2-4 8″, D1-6 12″, D1-8
5C Collet Closer D1-4 D1-6 A2-4 D1-6 n/a
Turret Option n/a 3/4″, 8 Position
3/4″, 4 Position
3/4″, 8 Position
3/4″, 4 Position
3/4″ or 1″, 8 Position
3/4″ or 1″, 4 Position
1″, 8 Position
1″, 4 Position

TRAK® CNC Turrets — All New Designs

Factory-direct support. Easy programming for automatic tool changes.

TRAK 8-Station CNC Turret

TRAK® 8-Station CNC Turret

Coolant supplied at each tool. Includes 2 ea. boring bar holders standard.

Lathe Tooling
1630SX 3/4″
1630HSSX 3/4″
1845SX 3/4″ or 1″
2470SX 1″

Not available for the 1440EX lathe.

TRAK 8-Station CNC Turret

TRAK® 4-Station CNC Turret

Lathe Tooling
1630SX 3/4″
1630HSSX 3/4″
1845SX 3/4″ or 1″
2470SX 1″

Not available for the 1440EX lathe.


Buck Chuck

Buck® Chuck

Direct mounting, featuring separate top jaws and master jaws. Chucks offered for each model are rated from the maximum RPM of the lathe.

Lathe Chuck Through Hole
1440EX 6″ D1-4 1.57″
1630SX 8″ D1-6 2.36″
1630HSSX 6″ A2-4 1.77″
1845SX 8″ D1-6 2.36″
2470SX 12″ D1-8 4.16″


Standard equipment on 1440EX, 1845SX and 2470SX lathes. Optional on 1630SX and 1630HSSX lathes.

Tooling Kit

Tooling Kit

Dorian® brand tooling kits make tool changes quick and easy. Repeatable to .001″. The kits include:

  • 1 quick change tool post
  • 4 each 3/4″ or 1″ square tool holders for turning, facing and boring
  • 1 boring tool holder (for the 3/4″ kit: 1″ holder; for the 1″ kit: 1.25″ holder)
Lathe Tooling
1440EX 3/4″
1630SX 3/4″
1630HSSX 3/4″
1845SX 3/4″ or 1″
2470SX 1″


Lathe Diameter
1440EX 10″
1630SX 14″
1630HSSX 14″
1845SX 14″
2470SX 20″
Follow Rest

Follow Rest (Solid brass nib type)

Lathe Diameter
1440EX 1.97″
1630SX 5″
1630HSSX 5″
1845SX 3.94″
2470SX 6.5″
Steady Rest

Steady Rest (Roller type)

Lathe Diameter
1440EX .20 to 2.36″
1630SX .500 to 5.75″
1630HSSX .500 to 5.75″
1845SX 0.4 to 7.87″
2470SX 1.5 to 8″
Remote Stop-Go Switch

Remote Stop/Go Switch

A hand-held switch to stop and continue program run.

Other Options Include:

  • 5C Collet Closer - with extended taper mount nosepiece (Not available for 2470SX)
  • Coolant Pump - May be configured to operate as commanded by the Accessory Key on the ProtoTRAK SLX front panel. 1440EX coolant pump turned on and off by switch on apron.
  • Work Lamp - mounts to the underside of the chip enclosure
TRAK TRL 1440EX Lathe
1440EX Contiene:
  • Diám. sobre Bancada 14″, 40″ entre Centros
  • Diámetro a través del Husillo 1.56″
  • 60-2400 RPM
TRAK TRL 1630RX Lathe
1630RX Contiene:
  • Diám. sobre Bancada 16″, 30″ entre Centros
  • Diámetro a través del Husillo 2.12″
  • 150-2500 RPM
TRAK TRL 1630HS-RX Lathe
1630HS-RX Contiene:
  • Diám. sobre Bancada 16″, 30″ entre Centros
  • Diámetro a través del Husillo 1.57″
  • 150-4000 RPM
TRAK TRL 1845RX Lathe
1845RX Contiene:
  • Diám. sobre Bancada 18″ swing, 45″ entre Centros
  • Diámetro a través del Husillo 2.36″
  • Rangos de velocidades bajos y altos
TRAK TRL 2470RX Lathe
2470RX Contiene:
  • Diám. sobre Bancada 24″, 70″ entre Centros
  • Diámetro a través del Husillo 4.09″
  • Rangos de velocidades bajos y altos
TRAK TRL 3060RX Lathe
3060RX Contiene:
  • Diám. sobre Bancada 33″, 60″ entre Centros
  • Diámetro a través del Husillo 6.3″
  • Rangos de velocidades bajos y altos
TRAK TRL 30120RX Lathe
30120RX Contiene:
  • Diám. sobre Bancada 43.5″ balancearse sobre la brecha 15.5″
  • Diámetro a través del Husillo 6.30″
  • Rangos de velocidades bajos y altos